Saturday, May 31, 2008

You have your own world.Sometimes I feel we are worlds apart.

At certain times of the day, have you had the temptation to leave home,have fun slack around and enjoy yourself rather than just sitting at home thinking bout how you have spent the past 18 years of your life?During this era of improving technology, you can easily find out about someone with just some typings on the keyboard.Whether or not ure at a bad or a good place,ure definitely be detected.So when ure alone,what do you think of yourself?Someone getting from bad to good or otherwise?Most will say (out of humble) say they are getting from good to bad.How good were you and how bad are you now?It all boils down to how uve been helpful to people in the past and how ure being such a pain the ass to some other at this current moment.

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